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Empowering Youth Voice to End Bullying

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among peers that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time.

Spirit of Youth is working with community partners to End Bullying in Alaska. 

Our vision: all Alaska's youth are  included, heard, and empowered.



Helpful links, materials and tools are available in our resource library! Find tips and best practices for preventing bullying behavior, view a youth-led webinar, access training materials and more.


The “Empowering Youth Voice to End Bullying” grant program awards up to $3,000 for youth-led projects that prevent bullying in their schools, clubs, or other programs.

Our bulletin board for the latest local news that supports the effort.

2023-24 End Bullying Grants Awarded!

Spirit of Youth’s Empowering Youth Voice to End Bullying Grants for 2023- 24 school year have been awarded to:


  • Alaska Theatre of Youth

  • Alaska Dance Theatre

  • Seward Prevention Coalition 

  • Kenai School District


Spirit of Youth offers grants up to $3,000 for youth-led projects that work to End Bullying. More information about the grant program can be found in the grant guide - check out the Grants page. Be sure to check back for 2024-2025 information in the fall!

Get in Touch!

Want to help End Bullying in Alaska? Have questions or ideas? Looking for ways to create a more positive environment for young people? We can help!

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